Ebooks Now Available for Pre-Order!

With Sheep, Shepherd & Land at the printer and expected to ship in April, 2023, we are very excited to offer a PDF version of the book for pre-order (to be ready for download when print books are shipping), along with the companion knitting-pattern ebook, From Sheep to Hand (available at the same time).

Learn more about each ebook below, and by clicking through to their respecive product listings. As well, each of the patterns in From Sheep to Hand are on Ravelry.

Book cover of "Sheep, Shepherd & Land" featuring a full-size photo of sheep.

The ebook version of Sheep, Shepherd & Land is a PDF that is identical to the print book, with working links throughout.

PDF file
8.5″ x 8.5″
128 pages

Image description: Cover image of "From Sheep to Hand" knitting ebook. A woman is seen from behind; she is wearing a large brown circular shawl and a hat in shades of cream and grey.

From Sheep to Hand is the companion PDF ebook to Sheep, Shepherd & Land, by Anna Hunter, featuring 5 knitting patterns by Canadian designers, made with Canadian breed-specific wools.

PDF file
8.5″ x 11″
39 pages